- Broken Poet Poetry Page of a South African troubadour.
- Byron Loker A writer/photographer/web developer based in Cape Town, South Africa.
- Capewrite Creative writing in South Africa.
- CDbooks-R-Us Genealogical, biographical and cultural-historic books on CD or as downloadable PDF's.
- Chris Thurman Online portfolio of journalism and creative writing.
- Christina Engela's Storefront Books written by SA author Christina Engela
- CJ Langenhoven A website all about Cornelis Jakob Langenhoven - known as the father of Afrikaans.
- Copy Write The write of way with words. Provide an experienced writer's touch to promotion of products.
- Daily Celebrations Celebrate birth and life of Nelson Mandela with quotations and inspiration. Life is a celebration of passionate colors.
- Derde Afrikaanse Retrogade Woordelys In a retrogade dictionary words are sorted alphabetically by their last letters instead of their first letters.
- Die Foyer A drama that deals with various aspects of womanhood and was inspired and based on true facts.
- Die Middernagtelike Gerammel van 'n Rustelose Koppie. Deelblaaie van belewing en po�sie.
- Dromedaris Books Stories from South Africa.
- Echoes of an African War Infrormation on Chas Lotter's new book .
- eDigbundel Page with poetry in Afrikaans - blad met gedigte in Afrikaans.
- Eklektic.co.za Family life in South Africa, a look at family, friends, events, scenery, artwork and all the culture has to offer, pictures and poems, poetry.
- Elize Botes Getuienisse, gedigte, dagstukkies in Afrikaans.
- En-Trance Translate Translations, rewrites, Eng & Afr; scripts, articles, and that as well.
- Enigma.Skryf.Net Creative Competition Call for papers. Everybody can enter - closing 1 March 2006. Bydraes nou aangevra. Almal kan deelneem - sluitingsdatum 1 Maart 2006
- Eric Bolsmann Artist and author from Pretoria.
- First Edition A self publishing web site that allows you to upload and publish your own creative literary works.
- Float Notes, Jewels from the Heart, Personal Poems, Scrapbooking, Vellim, Jeanet Float Notes Jewels from the Heart Personal Poems Scrapbooking Vellim Jeanette Mackenzie Float Notes
- Franschhoek Literary Festival A celebration of books and writing.
- From Passion to Depression A collection of poems by various South African poets.
- Granny Frog African animal stories with valuable life lessons, for 4yrs - 11yrs olds.
- Huis vir Afrikaanse Po�sie Die bevordering van Afrikaans, en meer spesifiek
- Husse met Lang Ore Die Husse se Tuiste op die Web. Koop 'n Hus en waardeer Saphira se digkuns.
- InkMinx Writing and book reviews.
- Insigte oor die Afrikaanse Woordelys en Spelre�ls Insights into the new edition of the Afrikaans spelling rules, with history, discussion and commentary.
- Ivor Sander Specialist Writer.
- Jacaranda Journals by Melissa Tandiwe Myambo A multicultural work of fiction set in Zimbabwe, the book is published by MacMillan.
- Janet Van Eeden A freelance journalist, playwright, script writer, producer and occasional poet. She writes regular features for the Pietermaritzburg based The Witness and The Weekend Witness, Screen Africa and many national print media.
- Jassy Mackenzie A thriller writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with her latest novel Random Violence.
- Jonathan Euvrard : Poetry Collection An online collection of my poetry on everything from contemplations to infatuations.
- Joop Bersee Poetry Poetry by Joop Bersee, links to poetry sites, tributes.
- JUDY BEE'S WRITING COURSE Online writing courses in fact and fiction.
- Kalliope Paperbacks The End of Unheard Narratives. Bettina Weiss Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany
- Karel Ark Gedigte in Afrikaans.
- Kiste van Marmer A special site for the Afrikaans speaking community of South-Africa. Enjoy our online e-story and take part by submitting your storyline.
- Kom na bukhuki vir Afrikaanse kinderboeke Bukhuki is an Afrikaans children's bookstore with a difference.
- Lenor Tancred South African authuor has written Daisy de Melker - guilty or innocent? The Herder Prince and Kill them all.
- Literary Tourism in KZN The home of the Literary Tourism in KwaZulu-Natal Project.
- Louise Prinsloo Webtuiste van kinder en jeugverhaal skrywer.
- Martie Preller Afrikaanse skrywer.
- Martyn's Poetry Site A collection of my poetry.
- My Poetry Forum A small, personalised poetry forum where poets can submit their poems and get to know other users who can rate their poetry.
- Penguin Books The official SA book shop and online book store of Penguin Books, publishers of literary, fiction, reference, autobiography, academic and classics.
- Petru-Nell Skryfbesigheid Redigeer skryfwerk. Bied skryfkursusse aan. Skryf artikels, toesprake, Maak kaartjies, verjaardag, simpatie, dankie, Kersfees, uitnodigings.
- Pfangirl The writing portfolio and online sounding board of Noelle Adams, a twenty-something writer and student based in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
- Pieter F. Bruwer The writings of Pieter F. Bruwer, in both English and Afrikaans.
- Poetry And Stories Enter the future of poetry and stories.
- Poetry by Kenneth Sorensen Read online poems by the poet Kenneth Sorensen.
- Poetry For life Poetry For Life.
- Poetry on Dirvorce, Life and Love. Poetry and prose on divorce and the tragic effects of the breakdown of a marriage and the life after.
- Proverbs and Quotes Proverbs have been part of our lives, and together used with quotes, sayings as language.
- Ramblings of a Nutter Mobile Online Blog .
- Ruff It is a creative platform for English speakers on which poems, articles, short stories etc. are published for online viewers to read.
- SAbookworm All the latest stuff for South African book lovers.
- Sewe Kleure Boeke Uitgewer van Afrikaanse en Engelse boeke. Publisher of Afrikaans and English books.
- Skryf.Net Portaal vir Afrikaanse Skrywers Hier skryf en gesels ons oor alles en nog wat in afrikaans.
- Songs of the Cockroach Leading SA publisher's attempt to throttle Robert Kirby's brilliant new satirical post-apartheid novel.
- South African Poetry A collection of historical and contemporary South African poetry.
- South African Writer's Network A free writing network for job seekers and employers aimed at freelance and permanent writing positions in South Africa.
- South African Writers Circle Writing group where you can meet people with similar interests and receive great advice on getting published.
- Stories From Africa A website for aspiring authors to get their work published and marketed in e-book format.
- Storiewerf Webtuiste vir jong lesers en skrywers - vir en oor kinder- en jeugliteratuur.
- Substancebooks bad writing is boring.
- Sweet Magazine South African literary magazine.
- The Amandzing Way South African poet.
- The Englsih Academy of Southern Africa The cyberhome of the English Academy of Southern Africa - empowering users of English.
- The Lovely Book For wonderful women. An illustrated book to inspire happiness written by Lehla Eldridge.
- The Mystery Ghost Bus Bus tour of ghost, murder, legend & other mystery sites.
- The Other Side of the Mountain Random ramblings and occasional insights about life in Cape Town, South Africa.
- The Poetry of Maxwell Silber Selection of poems by the Cape Town poet Maxwell Silber.
- The Poetry Pages A website for poets and lovers of poetry. Make your voice heard or read what other poets have to say.
- The Rebel Magazine Read sort stories, poems, poetry and inspirational stories about teenagters, written by teenagers.
- The South African Internet Society for Poetry A poetry site where poems are posted by South Africans who are aspiring poets.
- The South African Short Story Publishing Association Free short story writing competition with prizes and publication of winning stories and finalists in a South African published anthology.
- The Storyteller Chronicles Welcome to my humble archive, within these walls you will find the many stories I have collected on my travels over the years.
- Thys Groesbeek Poem's An amalgamation of poetry and philosophy, a new view point on life and then; some common sense.
- Trevor Underwood Vitual Storefront.