- Angelique Pretorius Read, view images and watch videos about South African actress Angelique Pretorius.
- Ben Kruger Actor, director, writer and singer from Pretoria.
- Brumilda van Rensburg Award winning TV celebrity, actor and film star.
- Devlin Brown A performance artist and wordsmith extraodinaire.
- Elite Artist Management Representing actors in commercials, features, films, documentaries and corporates etc.
- James Whyle Site for South African film and television writer, James Whyle and the Take Away Shakespeare Co.
- Kido Children acting agency.
- Ltd Edition Actors Agency Actors agency in Cape Town, South Africa. Visit our website to view our film, stage and voice artists online.
- Mari Michael A South African actress, singer and celebrity plays Melissa on etv's Backstage.
- Patrick Mynhardt's The boy from Bethulie's official website. Find info on his biography, gallery of roles, merchandise and more.
- Penny Charteris Associates We take pride in discovering outstanding young actors, developing their talent and guiding their careers to the benefit of both the artist and the film industry.
- Sean Cameron Michael - Official site A site dedicated to South African actor, Sean Cameron Michael. Features updated biography, photo gallery and latest TV & Film news.
- WIFTSA - Women in Film and Television South Africa Organisation for women in film and television in South Africa.
- Zenobia Talent scout for artists in the film and TV commercial industry.